Starting today… 

…I want you to really keep track of your health.

Specifically keep track of food for boost immune system. 

​“uh, what?” 

I know what you’re thinking…  

food for boost immune system

Why Should You Listen To Me? 

​That is a fair question to ask. 

​I’ll explain… 

To begin…

…think back over the past several months. 

How many times have you been ill? 

Does it seem like you catch every bug that comes through your home, work, or school?

Are your allergies unbearable? 

Do you wake up multiple times during the night? 

Most importantly, are you tired? 

Does it feel like you’re always pushing for just enough energy to do what needs to be done? 

I’ve been there.

At times, it can feel like the body is fighting through life, instead of actually living it.

Today, we’re talking about the food for boost immune system. 

How is it impacting our daily lives, aside from colds and flus?

​Do you want to know how to boost immune system naturally?

​Fortunately, there’s a simple solution… 

​What is it? 

​You will need to keep reading to find out… 

Where is the Immune System?

For some of us, the immune system is pretty mysterious. It isn’t one organ, and we can’t see it.

But like other bodily systems, it’s pretty comprehensive.

human body immune system

Here’s a basic anatomical rundown of what makes up the immune system:

  • Bone marrow – This is where some immune cells are made, which travel into the blood. 
  • Bowel – Many antibodies come from the bowel, where there is much lymphatic tissue
  • Thymus gland – The thymus is mature exclusively in childhood. This is where defense cells learn what to do. 
  • Lymph nodes – Cells are present here which can trigger the production of antibodies
  • Spleen – Defense cells live here as well. The spleen also regulates platelets and red blood cells. 
  • Liver – As you know, the liver filters as much as it can. It also houses cells that fight infection, called lymphocytes
  • Tonsils – Have you ever felt your tonsils suddenly swell a little? That’s because the lymphocyte-rich tissue here is almost like an alarm bell for your immune system.
  • Mucous membranes – You have a whole bunch of these, and each one is part of the immune system. The nasal passages, windpipe, intestines, bladder, urethra, and more contain defense cells. Otherwise, any old virus could gain entry here.  

In the end, this basic information might help you “humanize” the immune system.

Far from being conjecture or superstition, the immune system is a complex network of cell providers and distributors.

The immune system works every day at keeping you well.

In fact, it prevents countless conditions over the course of our lives. It’s even your natural defense system against cancer cells.

Of course, that doesn’t mean that things don’t go wrong.

If you think you may have an autoimmune disease, or your allergies are very severe, you need to see a doctor.

However, if frequent colds (even cold sores), fatigue, and seasonal allergies are getting you down, you can work on this.

That’s because a weak immune system can be due to your lifestyle.

Causes of low immunity include:

  • ​​Sedentary lifestyle 
  • Poor diet  
  • ​​High stress 
  • ​​Insomnia or poor quality sleep 

A better diet can lead to success in the other three areas as well.


…that’s going to be our main focus today.

20 Foods to Benefit Your Immune System

Ready to boost immune system function?

Look no further than these 20 foods (and drinks!).

1. Nuts. Typically, nuts are excellent sources of vitamin E, zinc, and some minerals.

The immune system depends on new, strong, healthy cells to function optimally.

Your key picks here would be almonds and Brazil nuts – click for price.

brazil nuts

2. Garlic. Among others, garlic contains allicin, a compound that converts to sulfur.

This may be one reason why clinical trials show that garlic can reduce the symptoms of cold and flu.

There is even evidence suggesting it can prevent illness in the first place.

3. Yogurt. The fact that so much lymphatic tissue lies within the gut indicates that probiotics can assist the immune system.

greek yogurt

Choose Greek yogurt, which is higher in protein. Low-protein diets can sometimes cause a weak immune system.

4. Spinach. Fiber, vitamin C, folate, antioxidants, beta carotene. To me, this sounds like a recipe for a healthier immune system.

In particular, beta carotene, which becomes vitamin A, might help the immune system fight off cancer cells.

5. Whole grains. Processed grains create inflammation.

Whole grains, on the other hand, fight it. Some of this may be down to bioactive compound BX.

In any case, whole grains are good for gut bacteria, which can moderate immune responses.

6. Broccoli. Don’t stop at broccoli – get plenty of cruciferous veggies, from cauliflower to Brussels sprouts.

broccoli and cauliflower

According to Dr. Greger, broccoli and its relatives help inspire lymphocytes (defensive cells) into action.

7. Ginger. A notorious anti-inflammatory, ginger can reduce the negative symptoms of a touchy immune system.

To prevent illness, use the fresh root to make a tea, or grate it into homemade salad dressing.

8. Salmon. Word of caution​… ​any health benefits you get from salmon come from wild fish, not farmed.

Understandably, this is harder to come by.

But if you can get it, wild salmon is rich in immune-boosting zinc.

9. Oranges. In addition to oranges, lemons, grapefruits, and other citrus fruits are key sources of vitamin C. In fact, you can even add kiwi to that list, as it’s an excellent source as well.

Vitamin C is fuel for t-cells, which are defensive white blood cells.

Vitamin C is water soluble.

This means your body doesn’t store it, so you need to ingest some daily.

This is the number one way how to boost immune system when sick.

10. Miso. Like me, you might be a little suspicious of too much soy.

However, miso is fermented soy. It contains beneficial bacteria, vitamins, enzymes, and more which can fortify your immune system.

organic miso

​click for price

Miso is most widely available as a paste – click for price. Use this to create the immune-boosting chicken soup of the East.

11. Turmeric. Honestly, I could go on for days about curcumin, the active compound in turmeric.

Like ginger, its anti-inflammatory properties are good for fighting off viruses.

However, turmeric is stronger.

Get a high-quality powder, and consume it with a little black pepper.

12. Persimmons. Here’s something new to try.


This winter fruit isn’t available everywhere, but it’s a vitamin C powerhouse with tons of antioxidants.

They can be rather bitter, so brush up on how to choose and eat persimmons.

You never know – there could be a tree near your backyard! 

13. Oysters. Like salmon, oysters are an excellent source of zinc.

Chances are, you’re not zinc-deficient, but getting a little extra can be very beneficial to immune cell function.

Such natural sources of zinc may be absorbed by the body more efficiently than supplements.

14. Green tea. Is there anything green tea isn’t good for?

The catechins in green tea are among the best anti-inflammatory antioxidants you can take.

It might even increase the number of defensive t-cells necessary to prevent sickness.

15. Poultry. Finding good quality, antibiotic-free meat can be tough.

But if you can, chicken or turkey might be good food for boost immune system.


That’s because both are good sources of vitamin B6, which help us create red blood cells.

16. Blueberries. Dark berries are where we find the most dense concentrations of antioxidants.

These flavonoids are another essential component to reducing the amount of sick days you have.

17. Dark chocolate. If it’s at least 70% cacao, gobble it up.

As it turns out, dark chocolate might alter how your genes impact t-cell production and function.

Just remember to skip the candy aisle and look for better quality – click for price bars.

18. Tomatoes. Like citrus, tomatoes are good for their vitamin C.

However, tomatoes do you one better by providing beta carotene. They’re also loaded with vitamin E and free radical-fighting flavanols.

Flavonols are yellow in color, so you don’t have to stick to red.

Yellow and orange tomatoes are good sources of it, too.

However, if you want the benefits of lycopene, red is the best choice. This phytonutrient also boosts immune ​system.

19. Sunflower seeds. I always recommend sunflower seeds because they’re easy to add to a healthy diet.

They’re great on salads, in wraps, as a main dish garnish, and even in oatmeal.

sunflower seeds

Sunflower seeds contain magnesium and copper, as well as an impressive amount of vitamin E.

Like other plant foods, they’re also known for their phytosterols, which support the immune system and even lower cholesterol.

20. WATER. Finally, we have a natural resource that is free and clean for many of us.

Water is essential to eliminating waste and producing the lymph fluid that transports immune cells.

Additionally, it helps us dispatch oxygen throughout the body, and can even help with sleep quality and digestion.

How much you should drink is up for debate. Because we’re always losing water, we know we should drink it consistently, throughout the day.

That said, there’s no known benefits to drinking gallons of it.

In fact, this can overwork the kidneys and dilute sodium levels. Many people find that two liters daily is sufficient.

More Immune-Boosting Tips

As you introduce more food for boost immune system, don’t forget to watch for these immune system-suppressing causes. 

Some simple adjustments here can maximize your results.

1. Monitor stress. For decades, we’ve been studying the link between our physical and mental health.

Some studies even show that mild depression means inadequate immune responses.

There’s even discussion concerning whether or not mood disorders occur due to a weak immune system.

However, stress and depression can exist separately, as they are distinguishable from one another.

In some cases, reducing the amount of stress you face can alleviate mild depression.

Reducing stress isn’t all about clearing your schedule, or flaking out on your responsibilities.

You can make a positive change by finding five to ten minutes – each and every hour – for relaxation.

Meditate if you can, or simply practice being present.

Along with relaxation techniques, talking to others about the stress you experience can’t be overstated.

True, journaling your thoughts and being open and honest with those around you seems like trite mental health advice.

In the end, doing so helps us figure out new and better ways to cope.

2. Get physical. When you exercise, you get that lymph fluid moving.

If you’re also hydrated, this means you can flush toxins faster and encourage healthy immune activity.

Exercise also helps increase oxygen to the blood.

woman walking with her dog

However, exercising too much can have the opposite effect on the immune system. Generally, a moderate amount of exercise is ideal.

Moderate exercise elevates the heart rate by 50 to 60 percent.

Below, are some examples of what moderate exercise might be:

  • Taking a brisk walk for a mile or two 
  • A half-hour of water aerobics 
  • Playing tennis for 30 minutes to an hour 
  • Riding a bike for 30 minutes 
  • An hour of Hatha yoga 

During moderate exercise, you can still talk, but singing or raising your voice is more difficult.

Make the time spent on your moderate exercise add up to about two hours per week.

3. Take a supplement. It’s true…

I don’t often recommend supplements.

Usually, a nutritionist or a doctor who has seen your blood test results can tell you whether or not you need one.

That said, there are some herbal formulas that can support your efforts.

You might recognize Echinacea  as a beautiful wildflower, also known as the coneflower.

Echinacea might increase your white blood cell count, and it may prevent colds.

Not everyone gets results from it, but if you do try it, go for the root – click for price.

Some brands basically sell dried stems in capsules, which is hardly as good as it gets.

One of the few supplements I take is actually a syrup – elderberry syrup!

elderberry syrup

​click for price

Do you always come down with something during or after a flight?

I use to, before reading this and trying black elderberry syrup – click for price.

Elderberries might help us make more cytokines, a protein vital to boost immune system. And being very dark, it is a nutritious source of antioxidants. 

​Well as they say, all good things must come to an end.

​That’s all I got today on…

​Food for Boost Immune System

Have you been taking on more and more hours each week at work?

Has your schedule been full for a month?

This is often when we get sick, and that’s because our immune system needs a little extra attention.

Busy times are also when we make compromises on diet and exercise.

Stress, diet, and exercise affect sleep, and all four can make you more susceptible to illness.

Fortunately, there are several things we can do to support immunity:

  • arrow-rightEat an antioxidant-rich diet 
  • arrow-right​​Get about two hours of moderate exercise per week 
  • arrow-right​​Aim for foods with things like zinc, vitamins E and C, and protein 
  • arrow-rightTake short, frequent breaks to relax and just be you 
  • arrow-rightGive your immune system a head start on health with Echinacea or black elderberry syrup  

Now I’m going to hand it over to you.

Do you have a favorite food for boost immune system?

Do you believe there’s a link between your mental and physical health?

​We’d love to read about your story.

Share with the community below, and I’ll be back shortly with more of the best secrets.