Have you ever looked in the mirror and thought…

…“What happened?” 

cinnamon powder for skin whitening

I know I have!

Whether it’s my busy schedule, poor sleep, or a certain time of year, bad skin days will happen. 

We’re also well aware that the bright, bouncy, elastic skin of our youth is here for a limited time only.

​And then it hit me…

​It’s a little shocking when time actually begins to catch up with us. 

Maybe the skin looks drier, dull, and uneven in tone.  

​So what’s the solution?

Today, we’re talking about skin care secrets.


…how to use cinnamon powder for skin whitening to have  a more even, radiant complexion.

cinnamon for skin lightening

We’ll talk about why it works…

​And why the word “whitening” may not mean what you think it does. 

​​​I’ll have more details on ​”whitening” a bit later.

​Stay with me now… 


​​Keep reading…

Whitening and Lightening? Why?

The first time I saw “whitening” on a skin care product, I felt confusion.

It didn’t seem right to suggest that people should have lighter skin, to say the very least. 

Or more to the point…

…that people should spend money on products that claim light skin is somehow an improvement.

Why should anyone spend money with a company that makes them feel badly about the color of their skin?

Then, like many others, I got swept up in the skin care boom several years ago.

skin bleaching with charcoal

Particularly, Asian skin care routines have taken the industry by storm.

On many of these products, I saw that word again – “whitening”. 

How dare they?

But instead of firing off a nasty comment to the companies in question, I did a bit of digging.

As it turns out, whitening and lightening, as it pertains to skin care, has various meanings in different cultures. 

Siraad Dirshe explains this on behalf of one of Asian beauty’s most popular Western retailers, Soko Glam:

“In countries like China, Japan, and Korea this term has nothing to do with the actual color of the skin, but speaks more to the texture and overall health of the skin. [They] strive to have skin that is radiant and luminescent – they want their skin to glow, not have a lighter color.”

Overall, Dirshe’s assertion that “whitening” is just a poor translation meant to indicate “brightening” is pretty spot-on.

In fact, some companies are already clarifying this on their packaging.

Many people who think they want whiter skin use these products and are in love with the results.

Whether they realize it or not, it didn’t truly lighten their pigment, it just brightens their overall complexion.

And that’s more than good enough!

Most skin care products that claim they are good for whitening contain no bleach, and will not remove pigment from the skin.

It’s an important distinction to make, given that skin bleaching products rake in billions the world over.

Natural DIYs are no exception.

skin whitening with citrus fruits

Recipes containing citrus fruits are often said to make the skin appear lighter.

However, they too will not strip pigment.

In fact, they can damage the skin by making it more susceptible to burning.

So, when we talk about cinnamon powder for skin whitening, we are NOT discussing:

  • ​​Bleaching the skin 
  • Removing pigment from the skin 
  • ​​Changing the natural color of your skin in general 

We ARE discussing:

  • arrow-rightLightening sun spots
  • arrow-right​​Lightening hyperpigmentation from acne scars 
  • arrow-right​​Creating a more even tone 
  • arrow-rightRestoring a more youthful glow 


​How you go about fading hyperpigmentation and improving tone does matter.

Because as you’ll find, industry skin care secrets include some pretty nasty ingredients.

The Potential Dangers of Mass Market “Whitening” Products

Throughout the years, I continually notice the ingredient hydroquinone in a lot of skin care products.

Hydroquinone is a compound which actually slows down pigment production.

In certain higher amounts, it will lighten the color of your skin noticeably.

Unsurprisingly, the populace is split on whether or not hydroquinone is safe to use.

The Environmental Working Group gives it a hazard rating of nine.

This is mostly due to the fact that it is banned or restricted in many parts of Europe and Asia.

Ultimately, it’s pretty much only widely used in small doses in the United States.

You won’t just find it in whitening products, but in cleansers, moisturizers, and more.

It has carcinogenic properties, but it is said that you can mitigate this with a lower dose applied topically.


A lot of experts will gladly say that certain levels of hydroquinone are safe to use.

That may be so, but that “safe” level isn’t as effective as the hydroquinone products of yesteryear. 

That’s why some in search of bleaching-level results locate the prescription strength stuff.

These levels are known to pose a toxicological risk to humans.

Furthermore, if all of our products contain a little hydroquinone, what does that add up to? 

Its widespread use is the biggest problem.

Additionally, it can make skin more sensitive to the sun, which can mean an increase in the risk of skin cancer.

Sun exposure is also known to damage thinner skin, and hydroquinone can be skin-thinning.

If there’s a thinner barrier to pass through, perhaps that hydroquinone can reach the bloodstream eventually after all.

On the other hand…

…there’s a condition known as ochronosis.

It’s very rare…

​But it can occur when you use hydroquinone over a long period of time.

It involves patches of dark, thick, rough skin.

woman rough dry facial skin

Surely the opposite of what anyone using hydroquinone would want!

All in all, I’d pass on hydroquinone.

If it’s questionable enough to warrant a ban in so many places, the results aren’t worth it.

Also, we have to remember that it’s not the only ingredient in these products.

There’s fragrance, parabens, phthalates, and more.

Fortunately, there’s one simple, natural, safe, edible ingredient that can help take its place.

It’s probably sitting in your cupboard right now!

​Amazing benefits ​of…

​Cinnamon Powder for Skin ​​Whi​tening

It tastes great and smells wonderful, but why use cinnamon powder for better skin?

Here are a few cinnamon secrets that tip the scales in its favor.

  • It’s anti-inflammatory. If you have breakouts, the worst part, before and after, is the redness and discoloration. Cinnamon can help alleviate inflammation for a more even, soothed appearance. 
  • ​​It contains antioxidants. How many skin care products do you buy for the antioxidant content? You can ditch some of these and get more out of budget-friendly cinnamon. Significantly, it has more antioxidants than more pungent-tasting spices. 
  • ​​It improves circulation. Eating and applying cinnamon, a warming spice, can really get the blood flowing. For the face, this means a rosier complexion. Yet, better circulation also means your skin can repair more efficiently in a shorter time period 
  • It’s antimicrobial. Sometimes, cinnamon is used in cosmetics to prevent allergic reactions to synthetic additives. In addition, it can help stop the spread of bacteria, such as from acne, which impact our delicate facial skin. 

These are all great benefits, but when it comes to cinnamon ​for skin lightening, the antioxidants are the best.

They support the natural healing and repair of damaged cells which we see with scars and spots.

In the end, they can even help prevent skin aging.

Best DIY Recipes for a Bright, Glowing Complexion

So, are you ready to use cinnamon to break away discoloration and provide a natural, nontoxic glow?

Obviously, you’re making the right choice. Skin care sales are up, and the biggest area of growth is in masks.

Today, you’ll learn how to save a bundle by creating your own masks.

Try all five and pick your favorite.

But wait!

BEFORE you do that, ensure that cinnamon doesn’t irritate your skin.

To check this, make a paste of cinnamon with a little water. Spread it on the back of your hand and let it sit for 10 to 15 minutes.

There may be a slight tingle, but what you want to avoid is burning and redness.

Mask #1: Honey and Cinnamon

Throughout the ages, people have sworn by cinnamon and honey for skin lightening.

They bring similar benefits, and it’s the perfect way to get the cinnamon to actually stick to your face.

You’ll need:

To make, mix together into a small bowl and carefully spread over your face.

If you like, give yourself a little massage – the fine grains provide nice, gentle exfoliation.

Leave on for 15 minutes before rinsing thoroughly.

Mask #2: Honey, Yogurt, and Cinnamon

What other natural stuff is trending in skin care?

Probiotics. Knowing that every inch of our bodies is a rich ecosystem of bacteria, we want to balance it.

cinnamon and honey for skin lightening

The addition of yogurt is also good for those who suffer from redness.

To make the mask, you’ll need:

  • 1 ½ teaspoon cinnamon 
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey 
  • ¼ cup of Greek yogurt 

Stir them together and spread it on. Wash off after 10 minutes.

Mask #3: Honey, Nutmeg, and Cinnamon

If breakouts are your primary concern, boost the acne-fighting power with some nutmeg – Shop now at Amazon.com.

Both cinnamon and nutmeg are well known to preserve moisture while eliminating bacteria.

As a bonus, your face will smell like a cookie.

This mask requires:

  • ½ teaspoon ground nutmeg 
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon 
  • 1 tablespoon raw honey 

At this point, you’re probably pretty good at building your own mask.

Add in a little Greek yogurt, too, or modify the spice proportions to get more of your favorite.

Leave on the face for about 15 minutes, rinsing well.

Mask #4: Aloe and Cinnamon

Aloe has its own special plant hormones that promote skin repair.

applying aloe vera to hands

If you have recent acne scars or damage from sunburn, aloe is your pick for DIY masks.

Pure gel straight from the plant (or from a trustworthy brand) will work better, as the juice is too runny.

It’s simple:

  • 1 tablespoon aloe vera gel 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon 

Usually, I like to apply this during facial massage.

I find that the gel doesn’t adhere to the skin well enough to just sit it out.

Mix these two together and massage into skin for a few minutes, using circular motions.

Leave a thin layer to dry on the face for an additional five to ten minutes before rinsing.

Mask #5: Yogurt, Turmeric, and Cinnamon

Personally, no natural ingredient evens out my skin tone like turmeric.

yogurt tumeric cinnamon

I recommend combining it with cinnamon’s circulation boost for instantly glowing skin.

Yogurt is best here, as it reduces the amount of tinting the turmeric leaves behind.

You’ll need:

  • 3 tablespoons Greek yogurt 
  • ¾ teaspoon ground turmeric 
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon 

Any mask with turmeric warrants a double cleansing; one before, and one after.

After washing your face, spread this mixture on and leave it for 15 minutes.

Rinse off and cleanse again.

BONUS: More Superfoods for Your Best Skin Ever

It’s what’s inside that counts, right?

Increase your ability to heal everywhere (including skin) and reduce your chances of damage by eating the right foods.

oatmeal muesli chia seeds goji berries superfoods

​oatmeal muesli chia seeds goji berries superfoods

Here are some of my top dietary picks for great skin.

  • Whole grains – Organic whole grains is one of the best ways to get essential minerals missing from many foods. Of course, if you can’t tolerate gluten, it’s best to stick to other foods on this list.
  • Nuts and seeds – Healthy fats help plump up the face, and vitamin E is a great defense against aging. Those highest in zinc, like pumpkin seeds and cashews, are good for calm skin.
  • Cucumbers – Not only are cukes full of water, they contain silica. Silica helps us retain minerals and encourages good collagen production. It has an incredible impact on nail strength, too. 
  • Acai – Acai is a powerful antioxidant, detoxifying fruit. Using frozen acai for smoothies and smoothie bowls can help keep skin in tip-top shape over the long term. 
  • Swiss chard – Of all the dark, leafy greens, this one is a favorite. It contains biotin, the hair, skin, and nails vitamin. Add in the fiber, beta carotene, and more, and you’ve got the perfect food for perfect skin.
  • Papaya – It looks better than it tastes, but papaya works amazingly internally and externally for skin. In addition to vitamins A and C, it contains papain, an exclusive enzyme that’s great for clear, even skin.

​That’s all I got today on…​​​​​

​Cinnamon Powder for Skin Whitening

What’s your least favorite thing about your skin as it gets older and wiser?

For some, it might be the loss of elasticity.

For too many others, the ravages of time show up as old scars, sun spots, and more.

A written history of your face, if you will.

Whitening products are perfect for these concerns.

As we now know, few such products are actually intended to make your skin look whiter.

They’re really meant to even out the skin tone. But we don’t need them, anyway.

Fortunately, one of nature’s biggest secrets is to just use cinnamon powder.

It improves circulation, can help fade scars, and packs an antioxidant punch.

Moreover, it costs much less than expensive serums and creams which are potentially toxic.

In closing, I need your take on this.

What do you think of skin “whitening” products?

Have you ever used cinnamon topically?

Share your thoughts on the topic…

What’s on your mind?

How can I help?

​Stay tuned for more secrets! Talk soon.